We lead people to follow Jesus, Because Jesus changes everything

Our Story
Trinity New York is a spirit-led, mission-minded, and encouraging church in New York City.
Pastors Taylor & Kristen Wilkerson moved to NYC in January 2015 to revitalize an old church called Glad Tidings Tabernacle. With only 4 remaining members, they began meeting in their apartment for bible studies. After announcing on social media that they would be relaunching as Trinity, over 50 new people showed up for an interest service. They began to serve their community and preach the message of Jesus! Through obedience to God’s call, Trinity has seen lives transformed with the simple mission to lead people to follow Jesus and build His church. Trinity now serves two locations, both Harlem and the East Village. Our vision is to see our entire city and beyond touched by the love of Jesus.
In 2024, we are declaring “YOU TOO WILL PROSPER” over our church and city. Jeremiah 29:7 tells us, “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” God has called Trinity to New York, so we are believing for peace and prosperity! Our world may be in a season of shifting, but we are holding firm to seeking all God has for New York City and our church.
Our Values
Jesus Is Our Message
We BELONG to Jesus, aim to BECOME like Jesus and live to BUILD for Jesus. We’ve been changed by Jesus and work to bring a change in our world. We are Jesus people, not religious people. Methods will come and go, but our message will stay the same. Jesus Changes Everything.
People Are Our Heart
Our heart is for ALL people because ALL people are loved by God. People should feel seen, valued and believed-in. We are specifically focused on reaching those who are far from God. We do life together. Church isn’t an event we go to, it’s a community we belong to.
Generosity Is Our Privilege
Generosity is about giving more than what is required. We are generous with our time, talent and treasure. We give joyfully, not reluctantly. We put God first in our giving. We contribute to the mission of our local church. God has given richly towards us, it is our privilege to give back to Him.
Excellence Is Our Spirit
We are always going to do the best with what we have. Excellence is a pursuit not a place. We are constantly growing, improving and making it better. We are on time, engaged and prepared. We offer our work as worship unto God. In all that we do, we are going to do it to the best of our ability. Love is in the details.
Servant Leadership Is Our Identity
We believe the greatest form of leadership is service to others. Every leader is a servant first. Serving isn’t just what we do, but Servant Leaders are who we are. From the sidewalk to the stage, everyone serves. We serve on many teams, but we have one heart. There are many roles, but one mission. If you’re too big to serve then you are too small to lead.
Honor Is Our Calling
We are vocal with our honor, meaning we are generous with our words. We submit to leadership and are thankful for spiritual authority. We choose joyfully to submit to those God has placed over us. We honor and care for those God has placed under us.
Passion Is Our Pursuit
Everything we do, we do it with passion. From our worship to our service we do it with Holy Spirit Energy. Passion drives us. Passion for Jesus. Passion for people. Passion for His church. We are leaned in, joyful and ready to build His church. We get to do this!